Part science and part artform, executing exceptional advertising strategies hinges on a practitioner’s willingness to keep up to date with the marketing trends that are shaping the future of the industry. There’s no doubt that it can be tough to distinguish the fleeting fads from game changers with staying power, so we wanted to lend a hand and present three hot marketing trends that are poised to change the way our industry does business.

Sponsored Content

Put simply, sponsored content is a form of native advertising in which a brand attempts to leverage an already established platform by closely mirroring the form and function of that space. Because the category of this marketing trend is so broad, sponsored content can be as simple as this Tanqueray sponsored cocktail recipe from Buzzfeed, or as intricate as Nest’s multimedia series about smart home technology from The Atlantic.

Although this marketing trend can give a brand the coveted power of implied third-party endorsement, consumers can easily be turned off by content that feels too much like a pitch. Because of this delicacy, the best uses of sponsored content occur when a brand seamlessly integrates into the flavor of the platform. One of the best case studies for this is Adult Swim’s hit show Rick & Morty, an animated series chronicling the interdimensional misadventures of an egotistical alcoholic scientist and his simpleton grandson. From the outset, the show has been a master class in sponsored content, lending its irreverent and tongue-in-cheek style to everything from Carl’s Jr. to the Alien franchise.

Facebook’s Algorithm Change

While Facebook has been tweaking the mechanisms behind its newsfeed algorithm since their beginning, the most recent changes have presented marketers with a new set of challenges and opportunities.

Spurred in large part by Russia’s social media hijinks during the 2016 election, last year’s algorithm changes were aimed at amplifying interactions with friends, while scaling back the number of posts from businesses. While this update certainly isn’t ideal for brands, this marketing trend is not without its own set of unique benefits. For example, the emphasis on personal interactions is a golden opportunity for marketers to use engaging content to cultivate an army of taste making brand ambassadors. By making the production of shareable content the number one goal, brands can do an end run around the algorithm and deputize their consumers as invaluable marketing assets.

Data Hygiene

The prevalence of the internet and smartphone technology has given marketers more access than ever to valuable data about their consumers. But with all the websites, apps, and other sources of consumer data, brands must work diligently to cull the raw data, extract the valuable information, and keep it organized for easy use. Failure to observe this simple yet pivotal marketing trend can leave you wasting good money on campaigns that are based upon faulty data. Thankfully, there are a wealth of programs available to help you proactively cleanse your data, thereby ensuring its ability to help you assemble effective persona-based consumer profiles.

Success in this industry depends on always staying one step ahead of the latest and greatest marketing trends. If you’d like to learn more about how your brand can harness these trends, contact Linda Fanaras, President/Strategist of Millennium Agency

About Millennium Agency

Millennium Agency is a nationally recognized, top woman led B2B branding, positioning, and digital marketing firm who knows how to create value that emotionally influences your customer’s buying decision, giving you the competitive advantage. As your trusted partner in B2B software technology and manufacturing, we provide the branding and positioning framework that make an impact – so you can focus on what you do best – run your business successfully. With offices in Boston and New Hampshire, and a worldwide presence, the professionals at Millennium Agency would like to learn more about your business.  Visit or book time here.