Internal/External Surveys

Take time to do your research before you dive into a logo redesign. Survey your employees and management about what they expect to see changed or maintained in your new logo. Also, consider surveying external connections on how they identify with your logo, what stands out to them. You want to be able to maintain your brand recognition when you redesign your logo.

Company Name & Tagline

Decide how you want your company name to be displayed before you set out to start designing new logo options. For instance, should “Millennium Integrated Marketing” just be “Millennium” in the new logo design? These are things you must consider. Also, think about your tagline and how you can produce a logo that both include and disclude it based on your different design needs.

Colors & Creative Design

What kind of color palette do you want to see in your new logo? Think about the feeling and emotion you want the colors in your logo to evoke, as well as whether you want to keep them the same or similar to what you already have. Additionally, decide if your logo has an icon, specific design concept, font type, etc. that needs to remain intact or can be molded into something new.

Are you considering redesigning your logo? Learn more about branding here:

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