In this B2B Brand180 podcast episode hosted by Linda Fanaras, Armando Leduc shares insights on the intersection of storytelling and business growth. Armando discusses his transition from the film industry to founding Leduc Entertainment, emphasizing the power of authentic storytelling in business communication. He offers practical advice on overcoming camera shyness by focusing on the message rather than personal perception. Armando further explores storytelling as a tool for engaging audiences, detailing a narrative structure that enhances content relatability.   He also touches on mapping the customer journey and nurturing referral partnerships through personalized engagement.

02:09 Overcoming On-Camera Nervousness
04:21 Mastering Storytelling for Business Success
12:27 The Power of the Customer Journey in Business Growth
16:08 Incorporating the Five Love Languages into Business
18:09 Unlocking the Power of Referral Partners
19:02 The Magic of Personal Touch in Business
19:36 Decoding the Love Languages of Business Relationships
21:01 Revolutionizing Customer Engagement with Personalized Videos
21:40 Mastering the Art of Referral Requests
23:28 Leveraging Partnerships for Mutual Growth
24:26 Expanding Your Network Through Strategic Partnerships
26:44 The Blueprint for Turning Content into Revenue
30:48 Armando’s Journey from Tactics to Storytelling
31:37 A Glimpse into Armando’s Acting Career
33:27 Closing Thoughts and How to Connect

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Linda Fanaras: 

Hi, I’m Linda Fanaras, host of B2B Brand 180 podcast and CEO of Millennium Agency. And where we talk all about branding and growth strategies. to help your business grow. So before I get started, I just want to thank you for listening in today. And if you like what you hear, please hit like, share, subscribe. Today I’m excited to bring in Armando Leduc, a rising star in entertainment. Captivating audiences. He is a performer and has been a performer and continues to be a performer in Hollywood and TV. And he has earned admiration throughout the years of, of his career. And he has a super busy schedule, but he loves to connected to his new Orleans roots and he supports the community. He’s an artist. He’s focused in on helping clients with. Work through their customer journey and businesses and helping build that referral partner journey. So we’re going to talk about a few different things today. So I’m, I’m excited to tie in a lot of different things. So Armando, I would love for you to speak a little bit about yourself. Tell our audience you know, a little bit of your background.

Armando Leduc: 

Sure. I don’t want to get too much into it because I really would love to like build some value and, make sure that when they hear this, they can take it and go, you know what, I could apply this to my business. But just to give you guys a little bit of background. Um, I, you know, Army brat grew up in Germany moved to new Orleans to pursue my film and acting career. And I’ve done over 50 television and film projects decided I want to get behind the camera as well to tell stories cause I love telling stories and writing scripts. And so I started my company, LaDuke entertainment in 2016 and have been doing corporate. you know, videos, but more along the lines of like, story based content and things that really move the needle forward and authority building and brand building and all of that through video specifically. So that’s it in the next couple.

Linda Fanaras: 

That’s great. Because having that film. career and expertise and tying that into storytelling and video connects really great with our B2B audience. So I’m looking forward to talking a little bit about this. So I’ll, I’ll start my, with my first question that I had, because I’d love to hear about some practical strategies that people or individuals can use to master that on screen camera. Nervousness that they get or get, get over that nervousness and come across with confidence and have a strong presence. It could be even in virtual meetings. It could be in presentations or it could be even on, on camera. Any thoughts around that?

Armando Leduc: 

Yeah. I think one of the things that you have to really think about when you’re on camera is getting away from your perception of yourself and more about what the messages that you’re trying to convey and how you’re helping. And if you can put it out there. In that respect, it, it sort of takes the attention off of you. It’s easy to say because I’ve also taken acting classes and I’ve been in improv classes. And if you really want to learn how to be irreverent and really let go and just be okay with who you are I would take some improv classes like improv classes will really make you. Irreverent, because you’ll fail and you’ll be all right and you’ll not even die. Right. And so you’re just like, whatever, I’m going to get on camera now. And, you know, I’ll speak my truth. And what’s great about, I love podcasting in general is because you’re just answering questions, you know, and that’s what social media could be like it just Q and a, you don’t have to do dance videos. You don’t have to do crazy things. You could just answer questions about what you know, and about your truth and your experience. And when you think about those things, You know, it’s, like I said, it sort of takes away from your nervousness and who you are and how are, how am I being perceived and how am I being judged? You know, all of that stuff just kind of goes out the window when you realize it really doesn’t matter. Life is short and you should speak your truth because it matters. Your opinion matters.

Linda Fanaras: 

Yeah, that’s great. They always say that speaking and flying are the two biggest fears, right? So if you could take the focus off yourself and just focus on maybe what the message is and how you’re going to, you know, what the communication is to your audience, that’s important too, which ties us into the storytelling piece, because I know that’s one of your strengths. Can you talk a little bit about how you may tackle storytelling Any strategies behind that that you can share with our audience that you think would be helpful?

Armando Leduc: 

Sure. So when you’re thinking about story, storyline and storytelling, you want to think about how, how are we setting it up? What’s the setup, the backstory, right? Why, who are we following and why should we be following this person? And if you think about the protagonist in, at, in, in his space or her space, right at work, at home and at play. That’s how they usually set up a movie, right? How is this person operating at home? How are they operating at at work and how are they operating at play? Because they’re different, right? How your personalities change, then what happens? The inciting incident. The thing that sets the movie in motion, the, the thing that changes their life. And now they have a choice. They either make the decision to go on the journey or they don’t for movie sake, they go on the journey. Right? Right. Right. So the inciting incident happens, they go on the journey and it’s conflict after conflict after conflict after conflict. And it’s the overcoming of those conflicts that keep us engaged and Oh, how are they getting out of this one? And Oh, how are they getting out of that one? Cause you never going to see a movie where. Everything’s going right. That would be a very boring movie.

Linda Fanaras: 

They want

Armando Leduc: 

to see right at every turn, there’s something happening, they’ve got to come up against something, someone, you know, they’re running away from something. There’s always some sort of conflict. And if you think about when you’re creating content And the story of how you overcame your obstacles and the things you’ve learned as a result, those are things that are more interesting, when I’m doing my webinar, when I open my webinar off, I always start with the backstory of. Let’s meet Armando. He’s in his thirties. He’s an alcoholic. He’s a pothead. He’s broke. He has no direction in life. He doesn’t know where he’s going. He has, you know, he’s broke. Did I mention he’s broke, you know? And so, and I set it up, right? So it’s this guy. And and he’s and he’s the desire is that he wants something more from his life. I want to be, you know, I want to make my name proud and I want to be and I want to have a family and I want, you know, a wife and kids. And if I continue along this path, I’m never going to get where I want to go. And so the old vehicle that I lived in was I was just trying everything out. I I was a singer, I was an actor, I was a bartender. I’ve, I’ve had over 75 jobs by the way’s had over impressive five. That’s impressive. Yeah. I dunno if it’s impressive or if it’s sad, you know, it was just, I, I wanted, like, I just didn’t know what I wanted to do. I just, I knew that there was something there. Right? And so then what happens is you get the call right? Some, the entire incident. Right? Something happens to you that changes you. And so I moved to la. And I was sitting in, in a, in a parking lot cause I had this job called Jesco. And I would, you know, those infomercials where they’re like showing you how to chop a kitchen thing. That was me. So I would do this commercial and I moved to LA to pursue my acting career. And I noticed that I was not pursuing my acting career. All I was doing was working. And I was like sitting in this parking lot, just. Crying feeling sorry for myself and I said, you know what I want to go home to New Orleans And I want to make a movie and I knew that I could make the movie here and it was called bourbon whiz It was the Wizard of Oz meets Bourbon Street And I came home and I filmed the movie and I was like, I knew that I needed to finish this film, this independent film so that I could get the credibility that I could finish a project. Right. And I was like, Oh, I’m going to be a movie producer and not going to be a movie producer because there’s no money in it unless you have, you know, unless you have the connections. Right. I rebranded to LaDuke Entertainment because I knew that Sketchy Characters Productions wasn’t going to be it, right? So that was, so that was the call. Then the guide comes in, your Obi Wan Kenobi, the person that guides you through, through this journey. And luckily I, I grew up with a guy in, Georgia who has a, who built an eight figure law firm in Atlanta.

Linda Fanaras: 

Okay, like a

Armando Leduc: 

40 million dollar law firm and he saw what I was doing and he was like, Oh, hey, I’m starting this new company called eight figure firm and I’m teaching attorneys how to scale their business to eight figures and I’m like, that’s awesome. You know, he’s like, shoot content. And I was like, great. So I, I went in and started shooting content. He showed me like the whole process. He’s like Armando, you have a seven figure business. You just don’t know how to get there. I was like, what are you talking about? And he’s like 2, 500 a month. And I will mentor you. And I was like, you kidding? At that time I was making like 20, 000 a year. But you know, I was like, I, something had to change. I needed to do something. So I did, I started mentoring with him and like the first month I started working with him, I had a 30, 000 a month and I grew my business to half a million dollars. And then I grew my business to seven figures. And it was like, ah, okay, success leaves clues. You know, and so now, as a result of learning and I had a guide and going through, I created my own system, and now here we are on the outside of it. This is the achievement externally. Externally, making all this money, it’s amazing. Internally, I grew confident. As a person, I’m happier. I’m, you know, I’m no longer an alcoholic.

Linda Fanaras: 

I’m no

Armando Leduc: 

longer doing drugs. I’m no, you know, I have a family. I have a daughter, I get to make my own schedule. I’m traveling where I want, you know, so that’s the story, and so when you guys are thinking about, Story. And when you’re thinking about creating content, think about those, that framework, right, work at home at play, what’s the inciting incident. Who’s your Obi Wan Kenobi. How are you going? You know, what were the conflicts? What were the thing, the obstacles that you had to overcome? And then at the end, the achievement, not just externally, but internally. Right. Right. And if you follow that framework, every single time when you’re creating content, you’ll keep people engaged. People are gonna, yeah. Great. Now what? And then what happens? They, they get caught up with tactics. They wanna share Tactics and tactics aren’t something that, like exciting people are, are, are going to remember. But if you can wrap the tactic in a story

Linda Fanaras: 

Mm-Hmm. they

Armando Leduc: 

will always remember it.

Linda Fanaras: 


Armando Leduc: 

That’s why fables work so well,

Linda Fanaras: 


Armando Leduc: 

It’s a, it, you know, the lesson of Goldilocks and the three bears, the lessons of all of those, nursery rhymes there. That’s why they’re ingrained in our heads because they’re a lesson intertwined with the story.

Linda Fanaras: 

And what I like about what you’re saying is that I B2B companies go to create video, it is definitely more tactical, to the point. on the boring side. But what you’re really saying is, Hey, let’s bring in that challenge that Barrier, how are we going to overcome it or, or it could be a conflict to your point. And then how is that going to be, who’s going to come in and save the day and how does that all work? So you’re building that kind of emotional connection where you wouldn’t normally do that if you’re just shooting a regular video. So you’re building that storyline and that’ll honestly, it ties all back into just. marketing and building that emotional journey and that emotional connection with your audience, because otherwise they’re not going to remember it, if you don’t create that story around it. So I like what you’re saying. And I think it’s important for our audience to really hear that. Because it is, it is easy, especially for B2B companies to be very focused either on their cook, their company and how great they are or their products and what their features and benefits are. But really how does that. Impact the audience. What are the pain points? You know, what kind of scenarios does it create and who can come in and save that? So those are all awesome. Those are all great points. So I love how you’re putting that together. So I know you do a lot with the customer journey. Yeah. And I also building like referral partnership because you’ve built obviously a successful business. I mean, I really love where you started and now where you are today. And I can see how it’s all tying together. But I’d love for you to speak a little bit about the customer journey, maybe the referral partner journey, making sure you keep clients happy, you know, how, how all that kind of comes together in a very succinct way.

Armando Leduc: 

Sure. Y’all please take notes because if you implement this, it will change, it will change your business. I promise. So in one day, I lost 30, 000 worth of revenue a month, like, like that. And what happened was we scaled really quickly, very fast. We didn’t really have our operations in order because we never mapped out what we call the customer journey. Right. And it’s, how are we taking our clients from A to Z? What are the touch points in between? And as marketing folks, we work in the background a lot, but our clients don’t necessarily know that we’re working right. Right. They know. And then at the end of the month, they’re like, what am I paying for? Right. Like you’re, you’re charging me 7, 000 a month. What am I paying for? So what we, and, and, and that would, that’s what happened. We were starting to get bad reviews. Clients were leaving, they were angry, they were confused. And so I had two choices to make. I could fire everybody, you know, scale my business back down, or I could really grab my people and say, Hey, we’ve got to sit down and we’ve got to map out our customer journey everywhere from leads. becoming clients, then the client journey itself, like how are we delivering our deliverables and then post client journey, like how are we doing surveys and, and making sure that we’re doing a good job and how we can increase our customer service to a level. And so. We did that. We mapped everything out and at every single touch point, we have a video that they get throughout the process. So when we’re in development of their content, they get the, we’re in development for your content video. And what that means, then they get a pre production video. Hey, we wrote out your scripts. We wrote out your topics. This is what we’re doing right now. Here, here they are for approval. Hey, get, get ready for your shoot. This is what you’re going to need. Get, get a good night’s rest. Don’t drink alcohol, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Here’s the, you know, and that’s a video. Then we get there, we give them a gift, right? Every single time. Then the day after they get what a great shoot video, then they get another video. Say, Hey, we’re, we’re in, we’re in a editing phase. Then here are your, here are your videos for you to look at and then mission accomplished, and then we rinse and repeat. So what happened was we started to implement that and we would share these videos through email and text, not just email. Cause like a lot of these people are busy, but they would get these videos through, through text and now they know where they are in the process. It’s like the Domino’s pizza tracker at N I did not have to. Chase them for money. All my invoices were paid right, right then and there. They knew exactly where they were. They knew exactly what they were paying for. The customers were super happy. We started getting higher referrals. Retention rate went up, revenue went up, you know? And so it all because we mapped out the customer journey and we just inform people at every single point where they are and why they, why we’re justifying why they’re spending the money, right?

Linda Fanaras: 


Armando Leduc: 

Right. So here’s, here’s the secret sauce. You’ve read the book the five love languages, right? Yes. Okay. I said, why are we not incorporating the five love languages in Our journey, right? Like, sure. We’re going to tell you where, where you are in the process, the Domino’s pizza tracker, but how are we really going to solidify our relationship? Cause some people like gift giving some people like quality time. Some people like acts of service, admiration, words of affirmation, right? Even touch, right? Like, like I have clients that love hugs. I’ll tell you, you know, the United States, America in general, they have this lack of, like, touch. They’re not, you know, they’re not enough touch in our society. I come from Europe and Latin America where, you know, where we kiss each other on the cheek and there’s a lot of hugging here’s not so much, but so be careful with the touching, you know, make sure that it’s, it’s all consensual. But but at every point we said, Hey, how can I create a list of acts of service for, for them? How can I create gift giving that matters to them? Right? Like who cares if I give you a gift that. I don’t give them swag that says the Leduc entertainment because nobody cares. Right? Right. Like a ticket to a ball game that they like a ticket to a concert that they, that they like. I invite them to golf. I invite them to dinner. If they like quality time, I give them words of affirmation. Oh my God, these videos that we’ve been making for you, you look amazing in it. Awesome job. I leave them testimonials. You know what I mean? Like I follow, you know, I try to comment on their posts, you know what I’m saying? Like at every I’m infusing the five love languages. I’m telling you the retention and the referrals go sky high and now I’m, I’m able to upsell on other products because we’re, and we’re intentional about it. Like we have a tracker that we go, okay, hit them with that. Hit them with this. It’s not like I have to think about it. I have a tracker every week. I’m hitting them with a different touch point like that. And so I was like, huh, great. Clients is great. Leads are great. Why am I not doing this for referral partners? Because if referral partners can get you, I mean, off of one client, we know a referral partner. We, we have a 360, 000 worth of business from one person. And like, we didn’t do anything for him. We hadn’t done anything for him. We like, we took, took this guy for granted. I was like, no. Referral partners also have to have a tracker and we also have to hit them in those ways. Are we leaving them reviews? are we listening to their mm-Hmm webinar pitch? Are we referring them business? Are we doing this? And then all of a sudden we start getting more referrals. All of a sudden things start happening and it’s just like, wow. That was just incredible. So now everything that we do is just like super intentional according to the customer journey. And it’s mapped out so that I don’t have to do it. My team knows, Hey, it’s Monday. They get hit with this Tuesday. They get hit with that. When’s they get the hit with this, you know? And it’s just like, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, super, you know, super intentional. It’s not automated. And my COO is like, you need to automate this process. And I’m like, you’re missing the point. You can’t automate. You can’t automate. Love, connection, humanness.

Linda Fanaras: 

You can’t. No, you can’t. How do you know? I mean, every person is different and each one has something that makes them tick. I mean, are you just hitting them with each one of the five love languages and saying, OK, well, today I’m going to tell him how, you know, How great their post was. And then tomorrow I’m going to send them a gift. So you’re just really rotating those love languages. Is that correct? Not really knowing okay, this person likes gift giving.

Armando Leduc: 

You’ll know, you’ll know after, after a month or two, what they like, because they will let you know, like, Oh my God, if you’ve given them a gift. And they’re going on and on about it, then you know that that gift giving is their love language, right, right. If words of, if, if they really love words of affirmation, they will let you know, oh my God, you’re so sweet. That was so great. And then you’ll give somebody words of affirmation and they won’t respond, and you know Right. You’re like, ah, didn’t, they didn’t, don’t care. You know what I mean? So, yeah. But yeah, you have to, you have to kind of cycle through enough times, but here’s the thing. They still appreciate the touch point because it’s not, I’m not touching them with, Hey, here’s another upsell. Hey, I want your money. Hey, can I sell to you? You know, it’s like, you know, Every time we reach out now, it’s like, Oh, what now? You know what I mean? Like, it’s almost a surprise.

Linda Fanaras: 

Yeah. It’s like you’re giving them attention. You know, the attention, you know, is phrased. So I do, I want to back up a little bit because when you were talking about the different milestones and you would send them a video with, okay, hey, we did X, Y, Z, here it is. Are you sending them like a loom video or just a basic? It’s pre recorded. It’s just a prerecorded video.

Armando Leduc: 

Yeah. And you know, I mean, we’re a video production company. No, I know. It’s easy.

Linda Fanaras: 

They could do a loom video or something like that. You could. Absolutely.

Armando Leduc: 

A hundred percent. Like, it’s, even if it’s just you, as a matter of fact,, the happy birthday videos that I send are from my phone. They’re not professionally done because I want it to feel like, Hey, I thought about you. Hey, happy birthday. You know what I mean? And then I also send out the referral request with their permission. I’ll say, Hey, Linda, you know, I, do you like our services? Sure. Awesome. I’m going to, I know that if I put you on the spot right now and ask you for a referral, you probably won’t know anybody, but if you don’t mind monthly, I might send you a video or a message saying, Hey, if you know anybody that needs our services, Okay. Can I ask you? And you’ll go, of course. And so I send, I send these videos out monthly and I’m like, Hey, see, it’s time for the monthly referral request. You know, it’s the lifeblood of any business. So if you know anybody and they’re like, yeah, so and so, you know, so I make it, I make it more fun. So it’s not so awkward, but people forget. I think a lot of business owners, they’re always on the hunt.

Linda Fanaras: 


Armando Leduc: 

or outside people that they forget about who they have in their pipeline,

Linda Fanaras: 

right? And

Armando Leduc: 

so if you cultivate those relationships, you can get referrals all day that are hot leads. So and so is going is vouching for you. So if they’re vouching for you, the likelihood of you converting them into a customer is high. Instead of trying to always be out there, not to say that you shouldn’t be prospecting, we prospect all the time, but if prospecting is all you’re doing, you’re missing out on like hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue,

Linda Fanaras: 

right? I mean, you think about it because I think you see owners, entrepreneurs. Salespeople, they tend to be more on the hunter side. So they’re always looking for the next, next new thing, person, whatever, rather than looking back and saying, okay, whoever I already spoken to, what’s already in the pipeline, who can I reconnect with? So it’s a great, that’s a great point. So before we go to the next question, I just want to take a moment and thank our audience for listening in today. And if they, if you like what you heard, please hit like. Like, share, subscribe. And what I wanted to ask you about incentivizing, or maybe, you know, we talked about nurturing these partnerships, but is there a way to incentivize them so it’s mutually beneficial for both parties? Have you thought about that or have you ever instituted anything around that?

Armando Leduc: 

Totally. Yeah. Yeah. There’s a 10%. Yeah. I got a 10 percent affiliate marketing, you know, finders fee thing. So whenever they send me a referral, I, I, you know, yeah, I’m definitely paying them 10%. But I’m also thinking about like joint venture webinars and, you know, things like that, that like, Hey, how can we, I’m always thinking about how I can make them money. You know what I mean? I’m always thinking about how can I bring them value, you know, and so that way they’re all like, I shower them with value. So referrals for them is like, Oh my God. Yeah, for sure. Please, you know, you’ve done so much. So I try to always be on the giving side.

Linda Fanaras: 

You know, the other area that’s interesting on the partnership side is you can use customer referrals, but there’s also opportunities where you have vendors and part or other types of partnerships that you can leverage as well. Have you done any work in that area? Do you capitalize on that at all? So let’s say you have a vendor and maybe they’re at a, you know, you’re, you use them for some of your services, maybe building out partnerships or cooperative marketing strategies that can help build up a referral base that way.

Armando Leduc: 

Absolutely. Yeah. So we have, you know, I’ve got an SEO. SEO guy that I refer business to. I have a fractional COO CFO that I refer business to. I have a fractional CMO that I send business to. I just met a, I just met a girl that does online courses. Like she creates your online course. So I want to start sending her business. I got a girl that writes books for you. She’s a ghostwriter. So I send her So, yeah, I’m like, yeah, constantly

Linda Fanaras: 

and then obviously that comes back to help you too, because I’m assuming they’re referring to you as well.

Armando Leduc: 

Yeah, I think it’s all, I like to think of it holistically in terms of. Sure. We’re going to create content for you. We’re going to establish brand building your videos, anything that you need on that front, like podcasting and stuff, but then like, what else, right? If we build you up to this authority, what else are you going to do? You got to get a book. Got to be doing webinars and you have to be doing and you have to be doing online courses, right? And then you get podcasts, speaking engagements, and you get speaking engagements, and then you keep growing from there. But I always tell everybody they. Everybody wants a shortcut. They just want to go to the ads, the ads, ads, ads, ads, ads, but they have no depth, right? Like they just want to reach out with, but they have no depth. And so if you, if somebody comes to do research on you and they don’t see anything because you have no depth, then your credibility goes down. It doesn’t matter how many times I see you in an ad, I’m not going to buy from you because I don’t trust you, but you had testimonials. You have. You’re active on social media. The videos look good. What you’re saying matters, right? And then it’s all that all builds up together brand wise and you explode. You exponentially grow your business.

Linda Fanaras: 

And that was going to be my next question because taking sort of organic content, whether it’s podcasting, videocasts, blogs, articles, turning that into revenue. How can our audience turn that into revenue? Is it just building it up organically, slowly? Do you have any strategies?

Armando Leduc: 

So here’s the strategy. I called it content into clients. So what you want to do is every month, you’ve got to be, if you can get to a post a day, a real, right? Like video posts a day, I would do it and make sure that it’s across all platforms, YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, Instagram, the whole nine, be doing that on a consistent basis. One, it’s going to reinforce who you are, right? So if you’re telling me that you’re the greatest at this and you’re posting it, well, you, there’s going to be a disconnect if you’re not So what happens is you create the content that reinforces who you are, gives you the confidence, your, your videos get better. You get better at doing video, Now you’re building a brand. People are seeing you. They like you. I can’t quantify organic social to a number because with ads you can go, Hey, this many people saw your ad, this many people converted, this many, blah, blah, blah, blah. But with brand building, it’s different because it’s, it’s a long, it’s a long game. but it’s more powerful because when you have the brand, that’s when you can start commanding those 000 price tax, right? To go speaking, to go do this. And so it, once again, I’m talking about depth, if you don’t have the depth and if you’re not putting out You know, content where you’re answering questions and people view you as the expert, your competition’s going to take it. And so that’s what I, that, that the strategy is create the content first, put, you know, get, get yourself a podcast. Invite people to it. I mean, Linda, you, you, you, you got it, right? Like, right. You bring people in, you get to learn from other people. They, they you you’re building your brand with other people. You’re tapping into their follower account and their subscribers. So it all starts working together in tandem. And then once, once you have a, just a bank of videos, right. Like at the end of 2024, right. Would you rather have 300 videos or 10? Right? Like, of course you want to have 300, of course that’s just, you know, that’s how you’re going to get there. And so 2025, another set of videos, 2026 my mentor last year, last year said, Armano, I’m going hard on social media. I’m going to start posting three to seven times a day. And I was like, dude, that’s crazy. What are you talking about? And then this year I’m like, Why didn’t I listen to him? Why didn’t I listen to him? It’s content. It’s just it’s a volume game, right? Right. if you can crank out as many videos as possible, you will win.

Linda Fanaras: 

That’s awesome. So Armando, I’d love for you to just tell our audience, maybe a couple of quick things. Top takeaways. We talked about a lot of different things. Storytelling, how to be on camera, building a partnership, referral base, any top tips for our audience just for takeaways. Then I’ll ask you a fun question.

Armando Leduc: 

Sure. Sure. I think I think that if you infuse the five love languages into your touch points with clients, with referral partners, you will grow your business really, really fast because referrals will come. Like naturally it’ll be, it’s crazy how, how immediate it will work. So if, if you’re looking for quick ROI and you’re like, Hmm, I don’t have the money for ad spend and you know, do videos and all of that focus on the people that, you know, create a tracker to like create these touch points that are like love language based. You’ll, you, you will, you’ll, you’ll grow your business so fast.

Linda Fanaras: 

That’s awesome. And you want to talk about your book

Armando Leduc: 

content into clients. So I’m doing, I’m on a rewrite because I was doing tactics the first go round. Like the first ebook is, it’s all tactic based. It’s all like, this is what you do. This is what you do. It wasn’t wrapped in, in story. And so this time Yeah. The second edition is wrapped in story. It’s more about like, okay, how sure I’m going to give you this tactic, but why does it matter? Right. And how did people achieve the outcome as a result of that tactic? Not just, Hey, you need to do this. So, so yeah let do good entertainment. com and you can get a copy and. Super easy and you can find me. I, I do webinars weekly too. Okay. Great.

Linda Fanaras: 

Great. Great. And that last, just for fun, before we sign off today, I know you are on Lords of the street back in the day. You want to talk a little bit, just to share. Anything you want to share on that?

Armando Leduc: 

That movie was my first lead role. And I was, I played the I played the villain in the movie. Santiago Rodriguez was the guy’s name. I was a drug Lord. And DMX was in the film. So many wild stories. Anyway, I can’t get, I can’t get too crazy about all of the stories, but I will say at the end of the movie, You know, there’s a scene where DMX is supposed to shoot at me. He hits a gas a gas like valve or whatever. And then I, and it’s five o’clock in the morning and we’re in the middle of like nowhere, Louisiana at this airport. And he won’t come out of his trailer because he doesn’t he doesn’t have his, he doesn’t have his medicine, his, his medicinal herbs. And we’re like, we just got to get this shot, man. So somebody had to drive to new Orleans to get his medicinal stuff. Brought it back. And then we finally got, you know, we finally got moving. So it was it was an interesting set to say the least when you’re doing in like, I wouldn’t say it’s indie film because there’s, there’s actors in there that are known, but they’re not like a list celebrities or more like, you know, D list celebrities. So think shortcuts get There’s a lot of shortcuts. There’s a lot of Yeah. Things, but like, it was my first, it was my first big role, so I was like, yeah, I was there for it. I was like, whatever you need me to do, I love it. I’m just here.

Linda Fanaras: 

I’m, I’m in. Yeah, I’m here. It’s awesome. I’m so

Armando Leduc: 

happy. Yeah. So it was it’s a fun time. I, I, I view those, I view those times fondly.

Linda Fanaras: 

Well, thanks so much Armando. That was fantastic. You really get a lot of, gave a lot of great insights to the audience. So I would love for you to share how businesses can get in touch with you.

Armando Leduc: 

You can find me anywhere, Armando LaDuke. I mean, if you Google me, I mean, it’s a lot of depth. So, LaDuke entertainment, you can reach out to me. You can reach out to me on any of my social media platforms for any questions. That’s why I love doing these. Cause I get to meet a bunch of really cool people. So yeah, reach out to me if I can help you. That’s great. Let me know.

Linda Fanaras: 

Awesome. All right. So I wanted to thank everybody for tuning in today to our B2B brand 180 podcast. And we hope that you found the insights and strategies shared to be valuable. And again, I’m Linda Fanara. Host of the B2B Brand CEO of Millennium Agency. And you can find us at mill. agency or connect with me on LinkedIn. And again, just to help our channel grow, we’d love for you to hit like, share, or subscribe. Thanks again and happy marketing.