Take the time to develop a newsworthy story pitch that will engage the individuals you are pitching to and inspire them to take further action. Editors receive hundreds of story pitches each day, make yours count. Here are some of the classic do’s and don’ts of story pitching:
DO be selective in the publications you pitch to. Choose your top three and pitch to them first, see what kind of response you get. If none of them are interested, move on to your next three choices.
DON’T mass email editors. You should personalize every email you send. Take the time to do it right and start building relationships with the editors of the publications you want to see yourself in.
DO follow up with editors after every pitch. Editors are busy people; if they don’t respond to your initial email, don’t be discouraged. Give your contacts a call 3-4 days later and send a follow up email.
DON’T send a story pitch that the publication has recently covered. This is a surefire way to get turned down. Publications need to be turning over new material, if you find that your story pitch is not unique or newsworthy enough, go back to the drawing board.
DO provide some sort of statistic or information that proves the relevance of your story. You need to sell the editor on why their audience would be interested in your story. Relative, newsworthy content is key.
Following these do’s and don’ts of pitching your story to the media does not guarantee that your story will be picked up, but it does ensure that you will make a good impression with the editors you’re contacting. Building a relationship and professional credibility with your contacts is as important as your story pitch. Helpful hint, keep in touch with editors and publications by following them on Twitter or other preferred social media platforms.
What are some of your do’s and don’ts of story pitching?